
Command Line Argument Processing

While from Lisp you will usually use a thin wrapper around launch to start your game, when running in deployed executable mode it can frequently be useful to expose a variety of additional commands besides simply launching the game.

To handle this case, Trial includes a command line argument parsing facility that you can hook into your system by defining a new main function like this:

(defun main ()
  (launch ...))

The command-line-toplevel function will take care of parsing and dispatching commands and quitting once processing is done. If no commands are passed, the function simply returns and it'll proceed to launching the game as usual.

By setting your new main function as the entry-point in your ASD you'll now have command line processing enabled. Trial includes a bunch of commands by default:

You can remove commands you don't like by setting the corresponding command-line-command place to NIL. You can also override them or provide new commands with define-command-line-command:

(define-command-line-command frob ()
  :help "Does something"

The help string is used to provide additional detail in the help menu on what the command does and how to use it.

The argument list of a command is structured like an ordinary lambda-list, but with the following differences:

required ::= name | (name [type [help]])
optional ::= name | (name [default [type [help]]])
keyword  ::= name | (name [default [type [help]]])
                  | ((variable alias*) [default [type [help]]])
rest     ::= name | (name [type [help]])

name     --- The variable name and command argument name
variable --- The variable name to bind the value to
alias    --- A command argument name that can be used for this value
default  --- The default value to use if the argument is not provided
type     --- The parse-type of the value, if any
help     --- A help string to be displayed in the help menu for this argument

The type is passed on to parse-command-line-type which can be extended with additional methods for more parsing options. The following types are recognised by default:

On the command-line side, keyword arguments can be provided at any point interleaved with other requried, optional, and rest arguments. They can also be provided in multiple styles:

Note that regardless of the symbol used for define-command-line-command, the names are tested for equality via string-equal, as are all arguments. As such, you cannot distinguish between upper and lower case flags either.