
Intersection / Collision Testing

Trial provides an array of intersection and collision testing functions. The functions to use are called intersects-p, detect-hits, and detect-hit.

The intersects-p test may be faster for some tests, as broader, more specialised tests can be implemented that are faster to execute. If there's no special implementation it falls back on detect-hits.

All of these functions operate on primitive objects or a ray. Primitives describe a particular shape with its centre at the origin and aligned along the axes. A transform matrix is used to handle translation and rotation of the shape.

When you access a primitive's location and orientation, it accesses the primitive-local-transform in the back. Each primitive also has a "global transform" (primitive-transform) which is a transform matrix that combines the primitive's and the parent's matrices to get a world-space transform. To get the world-space location and orientation you will want the global-location and global-orientation. Note that the two transform matrices may be identical if the primitive has no parent to speak of.

The detect-hits function takes an array filled with hit instances, as well as a start and (exclusive) end index of the range it is allowed to fill. It will return the index of the last element that wasn't modified. Thus, no hits means (= start (detect-hits ...)).

This interface allows you to cache and re-use hit instances, avoiding spurious allocation. If you know you only need one hit at a time, you can also use the more convenient detect-hit.

Any hit covered by detect-hits must fill out the fields a, b, location, and normal, which describe the intersection in world space. It may also fill out the rest of the hit's fields depending on the properties of the objects involved in the test.

To perform raycasts, a ray instance can be used. This works through the same intersects-p interface, though every ray-primitive test also has a specific implicit function, named like ray-box-p, which takes the required parameters implicitly, and returns either NIL or a float describing the "time" along the ray at which the ray hit the primitive.

Other non-primitive objects may also support the intersects-p and detect-hits interfaces.

Testing Methods

Trial implements a variety of collision testing methods. They are: