
Physics in Trial

Trial contains a basic protocol for implementing physics systems, which is described in this document. The mass aggregate and rigid body systems make use of this protocol.


All objects that can be controlled by a physics system must be a subclass of physics-entity, which keeps track of the velocity, inverse-mass, the currently accumulated forces, the damping factor, and its awake-p status. You can also access the mass, which will translate to/from the more commonly used inverse-mass.

The awake-p status controls whether the object is currently being updated or not, and is usually automatically controlled by the physics system. However, if you require an object to be permanently awake, you can also add a method that always returns T.

Every physics entity implements current-motion, which returns a scalar representing the energy of its current motion, which is used to control the sleep status.

Like the properties of other helper classes, setting the velocity or force will not retain the identity of the vectors passed in, and instead update the vectors held by the entity. Adding velocity or forces can simply be done like usual with nv+.

Finally, any physics entity must implement integrate and start-frame. The former is called at the beginning of any system's update step, and allows clearing out any remaining forces. The integrate function on the other hand is responsible for updating the accumulated forces and integrating the motion over the given timestep, advancing the object.


Common to all physics systems is also the description of forces. A force is something that automatically adds or removes forces on physics entities. A force must only support a single function, apply-force which updates the passed entity accordingly. Note that entities with infinite mass will never receive any forces.

The following primitive forces are supplied:


Core to all physics systems is also the handling of contacts. We provide a base structure class called hit, which stores the two objects involved in the contact, a and b, the location of the contact, the normal (from the perspective of a), the restitution describing the "bounciness" of the contact, the static-friction and dynamic-friction between the two objects' materials, and the depth of the contact's intersection.

You may, like the rigidbody system, construct a subtype of this hit class to extend it with other useful properties as necessary.

Controlling Systems

Physics entities alone are not enough. Everything is tied together through a physics-system which is responsible for controlling the forces, contacts, and the integration. An entity should only ever be a part of a single physics system, but you might have several independent systems to control simulations that don't interact with each other.

Every system holds a set of forces and a set of objects under its control. You can add and remove either with the standard enter and leave functions. Aside from this, every system also holds a cache of hits used for contact resolution, and the sleep-eps that defines the minimum amount of motion below which an object is put to sleep.

When initialising a system, you can pass units-per-metre which informs the system about the relative scale of your object, allowing it to automatically tune any parameters for your setup.

A system must implement generate-hits, which fills the passed vector of hits with new contacts and returns the updated start offset. It must also implement resolve-hits, which will then resolve any collisions described in the hits vector. These functions may be called multiple times per update, in order to generate and resolve hits for distinct sets of contacts. The precise calling behaviour is up to the physics system.

Calling integrate on a system will cause it to integrate the motion of any of the objects it controls, and manage the sleep state thereof.

Finally, the basic physics system also provides an update entry function, which will apply all forces generated to all of its objects, integrate the system, and then generate and resolve any contacts. If your system requires more precise control over this process, you should define a method to override it.

The physics-system is also an entity and listener such that it can simply be added into a scene and automatically manage the timesteps.

Material Properties

Trial ships a small library of known material property constants. These constants describe how two different materials interact with each other, which is used in collision resolution. To access the properties structure, use material-interaction-properties on a material or pair of materials, usually named by keywords. It'll return the static friction, dynamic friction, and restitution values, performing the necessary property combination as needed.

The property holds the material names (a and b), the static-friction and dynamic-friction factors, the restitution (see "Contacts"), and the friction-combine and restitution-combine names, which are used if the materials involved don't have specific paired values, and instead need to be dynamically combined. The combination methods are:

If both materials define a combination method, the precedence is in the order above, with :average being used if neither care.

You can list the known interactions with list-material-interaction-properties. If a material you would like to use is not provided by default, you can add it with set-material-interaction-properties (and send us a PR!). The default set includes:

You may also set the *default-material-interaction-properties* which is used if the system attempts to look up any properties that aren't defined explicitly.

Inertia Tensors

Rigid and soft body physics require some kind of description of the resistance towards rotation of the object. This is typically encompassed via a 3x3 matrix called the inertia tensor. Trial provides a number of functions to automatically compute this tensor for your collision primitives.

A new tensor computation function is defined via define-tensor-fun, which automatically defines a common function signature and gives you access to the tensor's local fields through the m local function.

Trial currently provides the following tensor computation functions:

We currently do not have any functions to automatically combine tensors or compute tensors for complex shapes. Please help us out by adding more!