
Shader Passes

Trial includes the concept of a shader-pass, which is responsible for handling one concrete rendering step. Information on shader passes as they relate to the overall pipeline and how they integrate with other entities is described in the render pipeline section. You should also already be familiar with the basics of the shader entity, as shader passes are an extension of that mechanism.

The shader pass system lets you declare the inputs and outputs of a pass as slots on your class. Accessing those slots will give direct access to the underlying texture instance that is connected to the input uniform, or the output framebuffer.

This mechanism is implemented using the Flow static node system. By setting the :port initarg on your slots, you can declare an input or output. The following port types are declared by Trial:

If you need to access the actual port instance rather than the slot's value, you can use the port function, instead. This is particularly useful when actually building the shader pipeline, as the connect function takes two ports to connect together in the pipeline.

A usual pipeline building setup will thus look something like this:

(let ((render (make-instance 'render-pass))
      (shadows (make-instance 'shadow-pass))
      (mapping (make-instance 'tone-mapping-pass))
      (pipeline (make-instance 'pipeline)))
 (connect (port shadows 'shadow-map) (port render 'shadow-map) pipeline)
 (connect (port render 'color) (port mapping 'previous-pass) pipeline)
 (pack-pipeline pipeline (width *context*) (height *context*)))

After the pipeline has been packed, the ports of each of the passes will contain texture instances that have been created according to the :texspec specification on the slot. A texspec is a plist that can contain most of the usual texture initargs, though with some special handling. The pipeline may try to merge compatible textures together to save on texture space. The following initargs are of special note:

You can also specify the uniform the input textures are bound to with the :uniform slot initarg. It defaults to the result of symbol->c-name of the slot name.

Please note that shader passes can be used outside of a pipeline instance as well, though you have to ensure that the port textures and the framebuffer are properly set yourself. Otherwise trying to load the pass will fail.